土木工程与力学学院暨西部灾害与环境力学教育部重点实验室学术报告——Lian Shen教授

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应土木工程与力学学院、西部灾害与环境力学教育部重点实验室邀请,美国明尼苏达大学机械工程系教授Lian Shen博士来我校学术访问并作学术报告,欢迎广大师生参加。

报告人:Lian Shen 教授
  题  目:Simulation and Measurement Studies of Atmospheric Turbulent Flows at St. Anthony Falls Lab
  时  间:201815日(星期五)
  地  点:祁连堂322报告厅



  Dr. Lian Shen earned his bachelor’s degree from Department of Modern Mechanics at University of Science and Technology of China in 1993 and his doctoral degree in Fluid Mechanics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2001.  He is currently a Full Professor with tenure in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Minnesota, USA.  He also serves as the Director of the Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory, which is a multidisciplinary fluid mechanics institute at University of Minnesota consisting of about 60 faculty and staff and many students.  Dr. Shen’s research focuses on computational fluid dynamics of free-surface flows, boundary-layer flows, turbulence, and flow-structure interaction.  Many of his studies concentrate on the fundamental mechanisms of geophysical and environmental turbulence flows.  Dr. Shen has published extensively in top journals in fluid mechanics, and has been actively serving the scientific community and playing a leading role.  He has participated and played a leading role in the theoretical and computational efforts in many large collaborative projects in the United States.

